Facial Implants for Enhanced Facial Contours

About this procedure
Facial implants provide a plastic surgeon with the ability to make subtle changes in facial contour in order to enhance a person’s appearance. The most common types of implants are chin augmentation implants, cheek augmentation implants, and nose implants.
Facial implants can be biologic, such as autogenous tissue transplanted from the patient, or material that is produced commercially. Non-biological implants are best suited to the chin and cheek bones, whereas biologic implants are mandatory for the nose since the overlying skin and subcutaneous tissue is too thin to support non-biological tissue.
Some facial implants are not cosmetic in nature but rather used in corrective plastic surgery procedures to correct the traumatic loss of a portion of the skull. These implants are generally custom made at the time of operation and are made from a variety of materials.
The main points of beauty of the face are the nose, cheeks, and chin. Sculptors and artistic plastic surgeons study the balance between these structures, and in the case of cosmetic surgery, apply this knowledge to bring out the beauty their patients are seeking.
Just as artists such as Phidias, Praxitilies, Myron, Polyclites, and others followed the rules of anatomical design and proportion to achieve their sculptured masterpieces, a plastic surgeon must consider the artistic aspects of a patient’s face when planning to change any of the points of beauty.
Silicone is the material of choice for the implants used in facial implant surgery. The body does not reject silicone, or become allergic to it. It can be easily sculpted into natural shapes, which apply to bony prominences to make a perfect fit. Other materials are not as elastic or conforming to the underlying structures. Polyethylene and hydroxyapatite are two of the other materials commonly used.
Custom implants are used where there has been a traumatic or congenital deformity, which requires a rigid implant that feels like bone.
The plastic surgeons at Fairbanks Plastic Surgery Center are skilled artists and sculptors and have extensive experience in performing chin implant surgery, cheek implant surgery, nasal implants, and other facial implant surgery. Please contact us and schedule a consultation if you feel facial implant surgery might be right for you.
Chin Augmentation Surgery

Cheek Implant Surgery

Chin Augmentation Implant

Chin Implant and Cheek Implants

Chin Augmentation Implant

*All before and after photos are real patients of Fairbanks Plastic Surgery. Identifiable images are used with patient permission.